12 November 2006

As you go . . .

I'm enroute to the Nat'l Missionary Convention. I've been on the move for over 36 hours and my body is telling me to stop! I'll have a few days to get over the jet lag before I meet my friends, co-workers and passionate pray-ers in Indy. After this convention is done, I anticipate that this blog will be a place we can continue meeting, no jet lag, reservations or tipping. The only tips will be the sage advice we share with each other! Watch this space for implementation of ideas we discuss at the seminar on 17 Nov in Indy. The blog should take on a whole new look & feel as we hear other voices from other places. I look forward to the conversation.

07 November 2006

Spiritual Formation: Training for ministry

How ya doin'? No, really? Got the God thing right, or do ya just look good on the outside?
Superficial religiosity won't get it when you're isolated, culturally fatigued and frustrated with your co-workers.

" . . . missing is the recognition that soul cultivation goes before institution building. How do you grow large, healthy, and authentic churches (the current rage) without growing the soul of a leader, which sustains the effort over the long haul?

A second impression: the dreadful casualty list of men and women who do not make it to a tenth anniversary in Christian ministry. Burnout, failure, disillusionment are exacting a terrible toll. I'm amazed how many ministers just disappear, drop off the edge.

A third: the constant conversations I have with younger men and women who confide that they are spiritually dry, unmotivated, despairing, and wondering what to do about it.

. . .
Saint Paul's words to Timothy are too easily ignored in this high-pitched, high-casualty leadership lifestyle of ours: "Train yourself to be godly … godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come" (1 Tim. 4:7-8) I smell spiritual formation in these remarks.

The forming of the soul that it might be a dwelling place for God is the primary work of the Christian leader. This is not an add-on, an option, or a third-level priority. Without this core activity, one almost guarantees that he/she will not last in leadership for a life-time or that what work is accomplished will become less and less reflective of God's honor and God's purposes." Gordon MacDonald

What do you do to maintain that intimacy with God that will see you steadfast & vibrant, no matter what Satan throws at you? Tell us so we can learn. Comment below.


Integrity in Faith in Mission in Journey in Life