23 October 2006

Why do people not care enough about missions to pray? A reporter interviewed two men who were digging ditches. He asked the first, "What are you doing?" He quickly replied, "I'm digging ditches." Asked the same question the second man replied, "I am building a cathedral." The person who only sees what HE is doing, whether it is ushering or getting excited about a friend's marriage or a basketball game, is living life digging ditches. He does not see the big picture. What he needs is vision. What seems to be lacking in many churches is that vision of the big picture that missions is building the kingdom of God, and that through prayer for missions believers become an integral part of the building process. Until people in the pew catch that vision from their leaders, prayer for missions will continue to be viewed as just digging ditches.
(Sent to Brigada from Tom in Russia) http://www.brigada.org


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